My wishes to all of you for a happy and healthy 2022. I would like to announce the launch of my second blog: Chicagoarchitecturehistory.com. I will document the history of Chicago’s architecture and urban development from the erection of Fort Dearborn in 1803 to the 1874 fire, at which point my first blog takes over. (If you haven’t read my earlier blog but you want a chronological history, maybe you should wait to read my earlier blog until I finish this new one.) To the best of my knowledge, no one has published a comprehensive history of pre-fire Chicago’s architecture. I hope you will enjoy my story of Chicago’s evolution from a marsh at the mouth of the Chicago “stream” into Lake Michigan to a metropolis of over 100,000 people that was the hub of the world’s longest network of railroads, all accomplished in the span of thirty-eight years.

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I welcome comments and questions at: thearchitectureprofessor@gmail.com

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